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Prologue: Upon returning from Mile 91 during the dry season evangelism circuit, Stephen had a unique gift from the pastor of that church.  In gratitude for all that GTF Bible Mission had done and provided for the church Brother Suaray gave Stephen the gift of several books which were languishing...

Market Day Fun!

Date of original journal entry: Monday, January 23, 2012 The open markets can actually be a lot of fun after one learns how to play the game! For Westerners new to the scene, the open markets can be a bit daunting.  The jostling and the commotion,...

Call To Prayer

Date of original journal entry:  Sunday, January 8, 2017 Sunset minarets at a large mosque in Kono   Devout Muslim man and his wife listening to the public preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Our village of Baomahun boasts three mosques,...

Pleasure or Treasure?

Date of original journal entry: July 21, 2017 Proverb 21:17(a) He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man I have just looked at a photo of 15 or so faces - young eager faces.  Some of the youth from our church are on a mission trip to Trinidad and...

Pot of Gold

I had been quite unwell for a long stretch, months really.  I’d make some small progress only to face another set-back.  To be sure I was getting frustrated because I knew what was coming if I didn’t dramatically improve; Stephen was sending me home. The day he came home and...

One Banana

Prologue:  It is so good to be writing again!  It’s been nearly a year since my last post and I’m happy to be back online and writing to you, my friends.  After my last entry we lost our access to internet.  Then, as most of you likely know, I returned...

Sermon in the Sunrise

I’m sure I’ve said it before but will risk the repetition; being this close to the equator (7 degrees north latitude) the sunrises and sunsets are over just about as soon as they start.  Even the most beautiful effects don’t linger so if you miss it, well, you just miss...

Trouble Shooting

The next time you make the casual statement, “I’m going to run the dishwasher,” please think of me.  I too have a dishwasher but she won’t run.  Oh sure, she might slug or poke or plod but she emphatically will not run!  Because of this irksome behavior, I’m constantly struggling...


Date of original journal entry:  June 22, 2016 I’m not even beyond the first verse of the first chapter in my reading and I find myself marveling in a lesson as broad as the world and as deep as the Savior’s love for that world. Mark 1:1 The beginning of...


While I was back in the States, a very common question was, “What is a typical day for you in Sierra Leone?”  I would just smile and my answer was always the same: “There is no ‘typical’ but the one thing we can count on is that nothing will go...

Home Again

Date of original journal entry: Saturday, May 7, 2016 Yesterday afternoon, home again in Sierra Leone, I sat on my very own veranda, resting from the work of organizing and cleaning the house and unpacking my five 50-pound bags.  A stream of visitors had been drifting in and out delightfully...

See You Again

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I’m a bit of a word nerd.  I enjoy learning the history and etymology of words and just for fun will read a dictionary or thesaurus; it can be very enlightening to understand how word usages have changed over the centuries.  Often...