
My Bible, my journal, and a cup of tea. My favorite way to start the day.

Tuesday July 9, 2022

. . . I will also surely bring thee up again . . .

Genesis 46:4


I like that word.

I know this is written to and about the children of Israel, and I shan’t steal their sure promise from God by trying to make it fit me when it doesn’t.  But I believe that I may rightly appropriate some spiritual encouragement from it.  Maybe you, dear reading friend, need some encouragement too. 

I have been down, physically, emotionally, spiritually down, many, many times.  Sometimes I have been so down and dark that I could not see how I would ever make it back.  And on my own I’m not sure that I could have, or that I even would have had the desire to be brought back up.  Ah, but in Jesus Christ, I have been brought up by Him, once and — Again.

Chronic illness aside, its just the natural rhythms and tides of life to go through good times and hard.  None shall escape that sword.  In His great kindness, God brings His children up by His strong arm.  Perhaps I, because of the regular flare ups of my chronic illness and pain, experience deeper, darker downs, and perhaps more frequently; yet out of them all, in His time and way, He brings me up — Again.

This morning I managed to to get out of bed, and had one of my grands carry my tea to the recliner where I had already shuffled using my walker.  My hip had become partially dislocated during the night and was extremely painful (like my full kneecap dislocations written of at this link).  Alternating waves of discouragement, tears, and nausea threatened to sink me for another day.  Recent weeks have been very tough with my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome symptoms.  My night cramps and spasms are so fierce, they can force joints to partially or even fully dislocate.  On the best of days, mornings are very difficult for me.  This day was far worse than typical, and I was afraid that I would be emotionally capsized.

But my reading was so blessed and this reminder of God’s faithful goodness brings me up even while I continue to struggle with this flare up of symptoms.  Even though the pain hasn’t changed, my outlook has.  He will bring me up!

How many times have I read this verse?  I cannot say.  Yet today it was made as new mana, refreshment for my weary soul, and I have been brought up — Again!

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  1. Emily Hilfiker on July 21, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    Laura, your posts are so uplifting. My spirit is calmed, and my hope is refreshed, whenever the glory of God is proclaimed through others, particularly those whose lives are shadowed by chronic pain and the physical and emotional challenges that come with it. I know them well. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God has His sights on His children and is our ever-present help in trouble, a faithful and merciful advocate in our times of need?

    Like you, I find spiritual encouragement in God’s promises to the Israelites. His character is, after all, unchangeable from Genesis to Revelation. Your post brings to my mind Isaiah 61:3, that God will “give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness”.

    To God be the glory “when I stand before the throne dressed in beauty not my own…” (from a song by Amanda Le Bail). Oh, how I look forward to that day!

  2. Rosie on August 9, 2022 at 1:46 am

    Wow! I can’t wait to get a chance to read through more of your blog posts. I had never heard of your family or ministry until I listened to a podcast interview Bro. Holt did with Great Commission Conversations. I have a mild auto-immune disorder that I was able to treat soon enough that I didn’t get too debilitated from it, but I’ve always wondered how it will affect my life and the burden I have for missions? I think your musings will give me encouragement as this first one already has. Mornings are rarely good for me, but I am still able to get up and go to work, for which I am grateful. Thank you for the labor of love you have put into sharing your heart in these “journal entries.”

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