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  • Until the Shadows Flee Away

Meeting the Son

Planting out cucumber sets. It was a slow morning and my body just didn’t feel like dragging itself out to the garden.  Gardening in the tropics is very challenging and often sorely discouraging.  Eventually I made it out there but much later than my typical time...

Laura, doest thou well?

The hills were cloaked in the morning mists of the early rainy season; so lovely to look at but also indicative of the condition of my heart.  I had just finished reading the book of Jonah and while sitting on the veranda in quiet meditation, my eyes fell on a...

My Home in the Hills

The Kangari Hills in predawn light during the rainy season   Like a battalion of timeless sentinels, the rolling Kangari Hills silently stand watch over our village.  Baomahun is completely surrounded by hills, it’s like being in a bowl; every direction one looks there they are,...

Which Department Please?

Sometimes I’m asked about my role as a missionary wife and I think to myself, “Hmmm . . . it might be difficult to define that role.”   A missionary wife wears many hats but here is a small sampling of my many and diverse functions. I am an unregistered...

Behold the days come

Ah, the morning chores are completed - laundry washed and on the solar dryer [clothesline], prep for our evening meal finished, chickens are tended [all 200 of them], perpetually sandy floor is swept yet again, a little garden work done . . .  I feel tired just listing it all...

The Senegal Coucal

Until the Shadows Flee Away Song of Solomon 2:16-17 My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether. [caption...

Refined Gold

Take courage heart, it’s only for a season. I have been quite blessed this early morning by First Peter chapter one. How grand is the description in verses 1-5: Elect, begotten, lively, undefiled, reserved in Heaven, kept by his power. Verse 6 says we rejoice in these and that greatly....

The Simplicity of Water

“Welcome to the ministry,” Stephen tersely said as he off-loaded our 55 gallon drum of water from the truck. It is 8:45 AM and he and Alfred are due to leave for Bo in 15 minutes. Our well being cleaned and deepened to assure good supply...