
Acts 26:22 Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue . . . 

We’re in this together — quitting is not an option!

The note written in my Bible held my attention; where did I hear or read it?  The note didn’t say, and I couldn’t remember but today I am especially grateful to have it there next to Acts 26:22.  “Survive the quitting spots,” the quote simply, yet eloquently says.  

One by one, at the tough places, Paul obtained help of God.  One by one, each in a different manner, Paul got past the things which, apart from God’s gracious help, would have brought the great apostle to then end of himself, would have landed him in a quitting spot.  And because he didn’t quit, Paul could continue.

While it’s true that if Paul had quit, he could have come back to the work of God, but that work would not have been in continuance.  Paul would have had to pick up the pieces of a broken ministry and start again.  Paul would not have had the testimony of God’s help to strengthen him at the next difficulty.  Getting through the quitting spots built Paul’s faith and trust in the Lord.

My soul, don’t quit.  Continue.  Stay in the fight.  Finish the work God has given you.  Things may look dark and bleak right now, but where the storm clouds are the darkest, His mercy is deepest.  Continue. 


Post Script:  I am at a difficult place.  Having very hard days, and even more strenuous and stressful nights with my health, the Lord greatly used this little quote tucked into the margin of my Bible.  While I don’t blame God for my chronic health conditions, I do at times, feel so physically crushed, that I don’t see how I can do the work that the Lord has given me — the artwork for Illustrated Evangelism.  At times I feel like quitting to even try.  But each time, I obtain help of God, and He brings me out of these quitting spots.  Turn to Him in your trials, and trust Him to bring you out stronger.  

I’ve got a lot more projects to complete for Illustrated Evangelism, but I trust the Lord to strengthen and enable me to finish His work!

Finished artwork printed on vinyl banners and headed for the work in Sierra Leone!

The banners hard at work on the evangelism circuit

The same artwork printed into booklets for use in small groups and personal work

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  1. Anonymous on December 1, 2022 at 3:38 am

    Thank you, Mrs. Holt, for sharing that quote and encouragement. The Lord knew I needed to read this tonight!

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