Verily, I Have My Reward

Titi holding a baby-doll sent to Sierra Leone (along with her own blanket) by our grand daughter to share with our many adopted “grand children”
Face aglow with pure joy, five-year-old Yassah is on my lap running her little fingers over the face of the baby doll I have just given her. Her eyes are wide almost in disbelief that this treasure is now actually hers.
I lay the baby back in Yassah’s arm and encircle her with my own arm to show her how to feed the baby with the plastic bottle. She’s never see a baby bottle and doesn’t know how to use it.
Together we examine the Velcro tabs which are on the back of the dress. Yassah has never seen Velcro. Her little dark fingers, tenderly guided by my light fingers, explore the mystery of this new wonder.
In Mark 10:29-30, Jesus told his disciples to not be distracted by the earthly things which have been left behind that one might follow Him. Being our creator, Jesus understands our deepest heart-felt emotions; He had them too during His earthly sojourn. In His great love for us he helps soothe the pain of separation by giving far beyond what we can ask or imagine.
Holding Yassah, tears dim my vision as memories of similar experiences with my own darling babies flood my heart. Will they remember Grammi? Yet the joys of my many “adopted” babies quickly rush in too. Yes, my own flesh and blood grand children will remember me and they will know that I always have love enough for them and to spare for others. And they will know that I love Jesus above all else.
I lean over and kiss Yassah’s soft neck which tickles her and elicits a giggle. Verily, what more reward could I ask.