An Adoring Bride

An Adoring Bride

Adapted from my Bible reading journal, August 2, 2024

Acts 21:19-20 And when he [Paul] had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry.  And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord . . .

Glorifying the Lord — that is what my life, as His bride is to be all about.

When Paul recounted to the church at Jerusalem all that was done in his far-flung travels with Silas, no doubt he included the many sufferings, trials, and severe persecutions; he didn’t gloss over the hard times.  Yet they glorified God!

I would like to also consider the antithesis of this: namely, glorifying God in the good times.  If things were to go especially well for me, and if I were to come into wealth or some form of notoriety, would I still cling to the Lord?  Would all of my time, talent, and treasure still be His?  Or would I be drawn away from Him, even deny Him, in the same way that heavy-handed persecution might cause me to do?  It must be remembered that great comfort and luxury can draw one away from the Lord just as can terrible physical oppression and victimization. 

And what about physical health?  Will I only wholeheartedly serve the Lord if I am in good health?  Does poor or failing health give me a pass on doing all I am able in my compromised condition?  Many a believer has allowed themselves to be drawn aside from service to the Lord due to chronic or acute health issues.

Though Paul lacked material wealth and physical health, he most certainly had his own polarizing fame.  Yet, he used all he had of life, and breath, and being to glorify God.  He did not allow his public recognition and his phenomenal intellect to draw him aside into the ways of the world where he might have gained wealth, safety, and security.  Rather, these gifts caused him to cling all the more to his Lord in service and bravely face the harsh trials.  Nor did he allow his physical conditions and lack of financial stability to be an excuse to not stay true to God.  

May I be so emboldened to the same dedication of my life, whether rich or poor, whether in sickness or in health, whether in in better or worse life circumstances, that I may always love, honor, cherish, obey, and glorify my Lovely Lord Jesus, as His adoring bride.

A sweet and flourishing relationship with my Heavenly Bridegroom has helped me have the same with my earthly bridegroom over the last 43 wonderful, adventure filled years.

Post Script:  I am currently working on a Bible journaling project where I am finding a personal lesson from each chapter of the Bible.  By a journal I don’t mean using one of the many “journaling Bibles” which have recently become popular.  Not that there’s anything wrong with those, they’re just not suitable to my style.  Rather, I have a separate journal in which I keep my copious notes.  It has been an astounding journey, and I am amazed at the things the Lord has shown me.  Plus it has greatly refreshed my daily reading.  This is an expanded version of one of my recent entries which I felt I wanted to share it with you, my reading friends.  I’ve started to develop a list of other Bible journaling challenges I’m going to attempt once this one is finished.  Can’t wait to see what the Lord will continue to show me!

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