Self Limiting

Self Limiting


For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:14)


In nature most living things are defined as “self limiting.”  Through genetics and other mechanisms, living organisms will grow only so far, and no more; they run a definite, limited course of size and lifetime. 

I am removing a phrase from the context of the above verse to make a point: “we are come as far as …”

Do I have an “as far as?”  Will I only go so far for God and no further?  The Gospel of Christ was never intended by God to be self limiting.  Am I limiting the gospel by my own self will?

Going to the next village

In Sierra Leone, our evangelism teams regularly visit some fairly remote areas, sometimes accessible only by foot.  Driving by on the rough, rutted, muddy main “road,” one would not even notice the foot path as it gets swallowed up by the bush.  The path leads to a small village you’d never know is there.  Yet as remote as some of these places have been, the people always inform the evangelism team, “There is another village behind us, you must take this message there too.”  Then, there is another behind that one; then yet another.  Will I only go so far and no further?  What about the next tiny village with souls who have never heard the Gospel of Christ?

Sometimes getting to the village behind can be challenging

“To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you …” (2 Corinthians 10:16).  Go to the village behind.  Seek out the region beyond.  Go to the out-of-the-way places.  Push beyond my supposed limits.  Put my comforts aside and continue on.  Souls are waiting; souls are perishing.


The Gospel of Christ is not self limiting, but it can be limited by self.

Out of the way places are always worth the effort


Post Script:  From a Christian perspective, the Gospel of Christ can be considered a living organism.  It comes from the living word of God, it bears fruit, it is intended to grow, spread, and expand.  Additionally, Jesus used the parable of the seeds to represent the growth of the gospel in different types of hearts.  It is capable of transforming individuals and even whole societies.  Yes, the Gospel is active, growing and alive!

Be sure to scroll down and meet some of the the people we are blessed to minister to in these out of the way places.

The team traveling an unseen path through the bush

A precious “out of the way” gem. These few Christians were grateful to know they weren’t forgotten.

A woman weaves fishing nets to sell in distant markets

An old man carving various sizes of stirring utensils, also sold in distant markets

Town leadership and men gathered to hear the gospel. These men were mostly Muslim but gave a polite hearing and asked good questions

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  1. BETTY J WALTERS on December 21, 2024 at 6:28 pm

    Even in my comfortable safe environment, I don’t go as far as I could/should. Shame on me !!!

  2. James on December 28, 2024 at 10:11 am

    Thank you for your ministry!

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