Where My Treasure Is!

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth . . . but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:19-21)

My Kangari Hills as seen from the veranda of our house. How I miss this view.

My darling “Little Laura” who died just a couple of weeks after this photo.


My friend Margaret

I’ve been in the States for 37 months!  It seems impossible to believe.  While I’m extremely grateful for all the comforts, and especially the ready access to abundant medical attention, it’s really not home anymore, so every now and then I get to missing home, Sierra Leone. 


Then, in His great kindness, the Lord will give me some extra special blessing; something to take off the rough edges, something to cheer my heart and bring a smile.  Today was just such a day.  Oh, it certainly had plenty of opportunity to not be that kind of special day.  I had a small injury of my hip yesterday, a minor subluxation (partial dislocation), while doing my very simple exercises.  You know, the ones assigned for the express purpose of helping my hips!  They’re just very unstable and it’ll take time to strengthen them.  So the injury means my sleep was agitated and restless last night.  After a late, slow start to the morning, I was reading in Matthew with my morning tea, and feeling a little down and discouraged.  But tears welled up in my eyes when I came to Matthew 6:19-21 and I considered my true treasures — the ones in my heart, the ones which no person or circumstance or change of location can take from me.  Then, a joyful parade of faces, young, old, in between, treasured friends, precious jewels.  They passed before my memory bringing a peaceful smile and a cheering of my saddened heart, as I sat in my recliner all propped on the perennial pillow pile.  I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and savored the moment.  A moment given by my Heavenly Father’s loving heart directly to my aching heart.  I thought it would double my joy were I to share my parade of faces with you.  I only wish the parade could be longer!

Sau, a converted Muslim, a faithful jewel

My dear friend Lahai, a Muslim, who brought his son, Edrisa, for a visit.

Mohamed Sillah, a converted Muslim, at his baptism when he took the name Michael.

My hilltop studio producing artwork for Illustrated Evangelism!

Evangelism teams around the country trained, equipped, and sent out

Baby Maria, whose mother died in childbirth, is being raised by her aunty Howah. We provide one year of formula for many such babies. Maria wasn’t expected to live but she’s grown happy and healthy!

Just a cute little friend, the only child in this remote village brave enough to come to me. He seemed pleased with himself!

This dear woman confessed Jesus Christ as her savior. Seeing the gospel in pictures helped her to understand.

Good friend, Chief Kahnassie, a Muslim, looks out for us and gives us a voice in the town leadership.

New gems, Stephen and Rebekah Mustard, joining the GTF Mission


Illustrated Evangelism — Mine eye affecteth mine heart (Lamentations 3:51)





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  1. Laura Malm on August 5, 2023 at 1:15 am

    Praise the Lord yes! Treasures indeed.

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