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Where My Treasure Is!

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth . . . but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:19-21) [caption id="attachment_1497"...

One Blood

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth . . .  (Acts 17:26) This is one of the dearest photos to me.  There is so much more going on here than meets the eye.  Something very special between...

What is That in Thine Hand?

Just through the trees at the back of the garden, and down in a little low area, you come to my secluded prayer spot. “Oh Lord, I really need You to help me understand all of this.  How am I to serve You?  What do You...

Patient in Tribulation

Prologue: Isn’t it marvelous how the Lord has His ways of working with us?  We’re just children who don’t always get the lesson right away.  But as children, each of is us different and the Lord knows that.  He doesn’t work with me the way He might with you.  I...

Let the Good Times Roll!

Recent events regarding the Coronavirus brought back this fun memory from Sierra Leone.  Read on to find out why! ***** May, 2013 - Date of journal entry In Sierra Leone, Stephen did all of the shopping.  The 37 miles between us and the supermarket in Bo, was a brutal 4...

Keep Yourself Together!

A girl has to have color options! My Mom can fix anything with tape.  Black electrical tape, masking tape, Scotch tape, duct tape.  Of course being a nurse there’s white first-aid tape.  Her taping skills and finesse know no bounds of creativity, nor limits to pride. ...

Your Waif

The sun was getting low as I sat back on the warm earth, stopping my garden work and listening to the evening birds.   And thinking about Margaret.  “Waif,” I thought to myself.  “I wonder if it truly means what I’ve always assumed it to mean.”  I am a word-curious...

The Potter

In my late teens and early 20s, I fell in love with the craft of pottery.  To me, it was an “all-in” type of art where my whole body was involved in the process.  I really liked that.  I even had my own potter’s wheel as the mudroom of our...

Life in the African Bush

From Journal April 2011 Harmattan dust choking the air looking out over Baomahun from our hilltop mission station. Two more ranges of hills visible when the air is clear. It was the beginning of April and it was HOT!  The dry season is brutal, sucking all...

A New Year’s Day

Because of my reading schedule, I read the entire Bible in less than a year.  This means that at each New Year’s Day, I am beginning the Bible at a different point.  I like that because it takes my reading out of the “routine” and keeps things fresh.  This particular...

Redefining Part III: Flowers for My Basket

As a new year creeps up on me, I typically like to take stock of where I have been and where I desire to be going forward.  This year is no different and my recent theme of Redefining is well suited to this annual tradition of going through old journals. ...

What Are They Among So Many

Kono is a stronghold of spiritual darkness Original journal entry — March 31, 2017 John 6:9  One of the disciples saith … but what are they among so many? John 6:12  he said unto his disciples  … Gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be...